Born and raised in South London, in 2014 I left my job in banking in The City of London to follow my passion in all things health and fitness to become a Personal Trainer. Having always been a big believer in the benefits, both physical and mental, of an active lifestyle I now thrive on the opportunity to share my love with my clients.
My own training takes in a wide range of styles including calisthenics, gymnastics, yoga and more. When I worked in The City I balanced my career with a love of endurance events and over several years competed in numerous triathlons, open water swimming events and running races. I have found having a broad background particularly helpful in meeting the needs of my clients.
I'm not one for fad diets and the latest hot training method, I prefer to stick to what I know works, hard work and consistency. It might not be as sexy and marketable as the latest magic beans but a sensible, progressive approach to your health and fitness is likely to give more meaningful long term rewards.
The chances are you aren't a professional athlete or going to be one (sorry to break the bad news)!!! As such you don't need to train or eat like one. For the vast majority of people training will be one of a number of often conflicting priorities which will change with time. The key to achieving your goals is consistency and and taking the ups with the downs. Whether it's improving mobility, increasing lean muscle or losing weight the most important thing is to have a goal that will keep you motivated in the tough times and build small behavioural changes into your daily routine that will bring about the changes you want. It's all about finding the right balance, sometimes that can take time but I'm a strong believer in building lasting changes not short term fixes.
Together we'll asses where you are at, where you want to get to and then plot out a sensible and realistic plan to get there. At times it'll be tough, at times it won't but by having a progressive but achievable approach in place the rewards will be in reach.
Running the Chiltern Ridge Ultra Marathon in May 2022